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New Life's Mission Ministry

  • What are you seeking in this life that is so full of many unanswered questions? Is it just a social gathering place in which you're looking for or are you seeking for a place where GOD'S truth truly reign? Many-a-times most people think that the development of their spirituality can be easily achieved thru the use of their own will power driven by self control; which in all cases will never be what GOD is offering us even as we are walking in this course of this world while we are yet living in our flesh.For it is as the Bible declares "We can never please GOD while as humans we're still living in our fleshly bodies" We must be born again first by the SPIRIT and then by water The church therefore is the BODY of CHRIST and not just any guide in religion but a deep intimate relationship with the one True GOD thru HIS only begotten SON-YES! The only guide is the SPIRIT of GOD thru the Holy revealed word; THIS truth therefore is the only authority to real knowledge of our Salvation. For it is just as JESUS taught...that the truth we know will not just set us free but will instruct us about a life with GOD the CREATOR of this Universe. If you are truly ready to response to the calling GOD has placed on your heart know GOD'S truth then visit us

New Life's Mission Ministries

Meeting at YMCA 2nd Floor 50 High Street New Britain Sundays at 11:00am (Suspended COVID-19 restrictions)

Online Services-Sundays 10:00am-11:00am login at send your request for joining Sunday Services to

 Our Mission is twofold

The mission of New Life Mission is simple,bold,direct and outreaching

1.Teaching Sound Biblical Doctrine

2,Bring Disciples to Maturity

with these two goals in mind, we endeavor to teach GOD'S Word clearly and without denominational restrictions- which ultimately will be helping each of New Life's Mission members to develop a close relationship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST. We believe that by presenting the wonderful truths of the scriptures will stimulate and motivate each individual to dig deeper in their personal Bible study and be able to apply God's Word in practical ways in their daily lives We will use GOD'S Word to be a beacon of light that will lead all believers who desires serious study of God's Word to be the gathering place for new and old believer.

Links up virtual Services 2021 Weekly 10:00am at with PastorDelroy

click here to make connection

Links for- For Future HOME of weekly NLMMS sermons on YouTube

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